Majority of matters some sections of Muslims termed bidi’ah (innovations) in Islam are not truly so. Rather, they fall under Mas’alatun Khilafiyyah, which means issues of different opinions among Islamic scholars of yore. Hence, those who do those deeds have not committed errors, and those who do not are likewise safe, but condemning outrightly by denying the existence of other views is intolerance, which can lead to extremism if not curtailed. An example of such is whether it is permissible to ascribe martyrdom to the late Mohamed Morsi. Let’s hear what the scholars say.
The one who refrains from calling President Mursi a Shahid has no legitimate authority to dissuade those who differ with him,
Sh. Bakr Abu Zaid in his book (معجم المناهي اللفظية و فوائد في الألفاظ) had submitted that the usage of the word is very popular among the Salaf, thus there are valid reasons for its usage.
While Imam Bukhari disagreed with its usage, Sh. Uthaimin and Sh. Albani had agreed with Imam Bukhari, however several other Salaf scholars of yore disagreed with Imam Bukhari.
Imam Yahya Ibn Ma’in approve its usage and had described Imam Ahmad bn Nasr Al Khuza’i who was martyred over the crises of “creation of Qur’an” as a Shahid, Imam Daraqutni described Imam Nasai as a Shahid. Imam Hibban Hibban in his book (مشاهير علماء الأمصار ). Imam Taemiyah, Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani, Imam Ibn Kethir, Imam Zahabi and very many scholars of old.
All the aforementioned scholars are giant master of hadith science who are very passionate about the Sunnah. The great Hadith scholar, Ibn Amar As- Shahid who died 317 AH, the author of the book ( علل الأحاديث في كتاب الصحيح لمسلم بن الحجاج) is popularly described as As Shahid because he was martyred by the Qaramitian sect. And in recent time Imam Ibn Badis had described Umar Mukhtar of Libya as Shahid.
Also, Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Ibn Ashur ( born 1879 and died 1973) had in his book ( النظر الفسيح عند مضايق الأنظار في الجامع الصحيح ) critiqued Imam Bukhari’s submission and offered further explanation on the desirability of the Shahid epithet.
Similarly Sh. Ibn Bazz was asked in his (Majmu Fatwa Vol 18 page 423 ) and he approved the Shahid usage. likewise the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta in Saudi Arabia (اللجنة الدائمة) were asked similar question on the usage of the word Shahid for individual Muslim martyr which was approved. The Fatwa was a joint scholastic declaration of Sh. Ibn bazz, Sh. Abdul Razak Affifi, Sh. Abdullah Ghudayyan and Sh. Abdullah al Quood.
So creating unnecessary furore based on a specific opinion is very unnecessary and a manifestation of intolerance for the scholarly efforts of the scholars are based on understanding of the hadith on the subject matter.
I pray to Allah to accept President Mursi as a Muslim and as a Shahid and make Al Jannah his abode. I have screenshot the text of the Fatwa of Ibn Bazz and the Lajna Da’imah as it suffices for those uninterested in unnecessary polemics.
1. Ahkaamu Ash-Ashaheed fi Al-Fiqhi Al-Islaamiyy by And ur-Rahman bn Garman bn Abdullah
2. Fatawa al – Lajnatul Da’imah Volume 12, page 23.
2. Majmoo al Fatawa of Sheikh Ibn Bazz Volume 18, page 424.
By Ustaz An-Nawawi Sanni
Salaam alaykum my brother.
Nice and well researched write-up, I must say. However, I think it is not worth your precious stress to refute those who oppose ascription of martyrdom to Pres. Muhammad Mursi. The reason being that, martyrdom or no martyrdom, the Ultimate Judge is Allaah (the Exalted). Our ascription cannot compel Allaah (far removed is He from such) to recognise him as a martyr while their opposition of the ascription cannot dissuade Him from granting Mursi the status, if He wills. The best of all judges is Allaah.
Let them say.