The Grand Mufti, Conference of Islamic Organisations, CIO, Sheikh Dhikrullah Shafii has said that the symbolic slaughtering of sacrificial animals...
Read moreThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court and Nigeria's Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs have both called on citizens to...
Read moreSaudi Arabian authorities released on Monday new pictures that offer a never-before-seen close up view of the Black Stone in...
Read moreThis is it, we have entered the most important nights of the year. In it is Laylatul Qadr, a night...
Read moreAt a time when many Nigerian Muslims, especially the scholars in the Southwest are taking delight in hauling insults on...
Read moreAll praises belong to Allah, the One Who said in His Glorious Revelation: . (Al-Anaam:68). We praise Him, Glorified and...
Read moreVerily, all praises are due to Allah, who says in His magnificent Book: (وَإِذَا رَأَيْتَ الَّذِينَ يَخُوضُونَ فِي آيَاتِنَا فَأَعْرِضْ...
Read moreAll praises belong to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, the Supreme God of the early and later generations, the...
Read moreSubhah is the bead used by a worshipper in counting his adhkaar. It maybe a small piece of glass, stone,...
Read moreThe Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has thrown its weight behind the war against noise pollution currently being waged by the...
Read moreNigerians and the world need alternative journalism that unites Muslims; promotes Islam and spreads the universality of its true message.
If you help Allah’s cause, Allah will help you. Qur’an 22:40
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Muslim News, a publication of Rawshield PR Media, is a mouthpiece for underreported Muslim achievers and events in Nigeria and across the world, which are never given prominence in the mainstream media.
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To give special media attention and coverage to important people and events in the life of Muslims that do not gain mainstream media attention, and to change the media narrative of blaming Islam and Muslims for offences committed in its lofty name.
Muslim News, a publication of Rawshield PR Media, is a mouthpiece for underreported Muslim achievers and events in Nigeria and across the world, which are never given prominence in the mainstream media.
Tel: +234 906 869 5152
To give special media attention and coverage to important people and events in the life of Muslims that do not gain mainstream media attention, and to change the media narrative of blaming Islam and Muslims for offences committed in its lofty name.
We shall be fair to all persons, irrespective of their religions and ideologies, as long as that promotes the image of Islam and unites the Muslims. We shall also uphold the ethical standards of journalism, as allowed by Islamic ethics.
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