Have you observed that the very people accusing others of hizbiyyah are the ones engaging in hizbiyyah? Have you also observed that the same people labelling others as khawarij are the very ones with the traits of khawarij. They condemn people from associating freely in a form of body or organization whereas all human beings have freedom of association.
Allah encourages the believers to unite as a body and come together and cooperate on righteous and piety, to enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad, to be friends,helpers, supporters and protectors of one another.
Allah commands us to rise up as a group calling to what is good, commanding virtues and forbidding vices. This is a Divine instruction for Muslims to come together, live together and work for Islam together as a united body under a leader.
The Prophet (S.A.W) also advised that Muslims should be with the jamaah and be under a leader (Amir). But you see a group of Muslim condemning this virtuous act as hizbiyyah (sectarianism).
However, it is this same people calling others names that like to segregate themselves from other Muslims. They isolate themselves from the jamaah of Muslims claiming to be the best and the ones on the right manhaj and aqeedah whereas the generality of the Muslims share the same aqeedah of Tawheed and condemn shirk and bid’ah.
This group break away themselves from the jamaah of Muslims like the khawarij claiming to be the only ones that will be saved on the Day of Accountability and are always ready to ostracize any Muslim that doesn’t share the same opinions with them on matters that are not fundamental in the Deen and matters on which differences of opinion are allowed.
They treat fellow muslims like adversaries, opponents, enemies and as people belonging to a totally different Creed whereas Allah warned us that this our ummah is just a single ummah and also warned us not to be disunited.
If you try to meet with these set of Muslims in order to settle your differences and unite to cooperate on what is good and eschew evil, they will say that they cannot sit with you because you are the people of bid’ah or you condone the people of bid’ah because they refer to fellow AhlusSunnah brothers who have different opinions on some issues as Ahlu Bid’ah and they isolate them and also isolate those who refuse to label and condemn them.
These are some of the fitnahs of our time in the ranks of the Ummah. Some have arrogated to themselves the authority and power to declare others as misguided and themselves as being the only ones on true guidance despite the fact that the others are also following the same Qur’an and Sunnah.
Every group has some mistakes as no one is perfect. But these people are blind to their own mistakes but go about condemning others for their mistakes. In their delusional minds they shall inherit the paradise and others shall be excluded from it.
May Allah save us from this kind of mentality and ideology and may He save is from the fitnah of falling into hisbiyyah and becoming like the khawarij. Amin.
By: Dr Fuad-Deen Olabisi Kekere-ekun