Amid the public health crisis of coronavirus, followers of Islam are getting ready for a month of fasting. But when will it be in 2020?
Amid the national and global focus on the effects of coronavirus, members of the Muslim community across the world are getting ready for a long period of fasting.
The holy month of Ramadan means daily fasting from early in the morning until sunset.
A meal called suhur is eaten before fasting begins and a meal called iftar after it finishes but for most of the day, those taking part must go without food, drink, smoking, sex and any behaviour perceived to be sinful.
This year it’s more important than ever to know the dates because coronavirus might have a big impact on Ramadan.
But when is Ramadan 2020? How many days are left until it starts?
What’s the expected date?
Expected dates across the world vary from April 22 to 24, depending on time zone.
The Umm al-Qura Calendar of Saudi Arabia is predicting the date of the start of Ramadan 2020 as April 24.
But it could be a day or so either side, not just because of time zones but because of announcements of moon sightings.