The League of Imams and Alfas of South-West Nigeria otherwise known as Rabitot-ul-Aimmah wal ‘Ulama has officially announced its dates for the commencement and end of the glorious month of Ramadan 1441 AH.
The pronouncement is in violation of the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Sa’ad III’s order on moon sighting; Muslim News can authoritatively confirm.
By virtue of his position as the Amir-ul-Mu’mineen (Head of Nigeria’s Muslim community) the power to commence and terminate Ramadan fast lies with the Sultan of Sokoto, and by extension, the National Moon Sighting Committee.
But the Robitoh, under the leadership of the Mudir of Markaz Ta’alimul Arabiyyah, Agege, Sheikh Muhammad Habibullah Adam Al-Ilory acted contrary to announce Saturday, April 25, 2020 and Saturday, May 23, 2020 as the beginning and the end of Ramadan 1441 AH
In a statement jointly signed by the Coordinator, Sheikh Habibullah and his Assistant Coordinator, Sheikh Abdul Azeez Abdul Razaq, the Robitoh also announced Sunday, May 24 as the Eid-ul-Fitri 1441 Celebration.
The League of Southwest scholars said the announced dates were based on the findings of Islamic Sharia complemented with Astronomical Calculations.
According to Sheikh Habibullah, “Astronomically, the conjunction that leads to the termination of the month of Sha’ban 1441AH will occur on Thursday 23rd of April, 2020 (equivalent to 29th of Sha‘ban, 1441AH) at 3:26am in South-West Nigeria.
“Thus, leaving the Age of the Moon (A.O.M) i.e. period between conjunction time and the next Maghrib (sunset time 6:54pm) at 15hrs 28mins which is only enough for sighting the Moon by a powerful Telescope or Binocular provided the weather is suitable.
“It is also important to mention that the geocentric illumination for this expected new crescent is 00.50% which will make sighting the moon even with telescope still difficult. Whereas, moon sighting with naked eyes is only possible when 17hrs – 23hrs. elapse between conjunction time and the next Maghrib (sunset time).
“This simply will mean that Ramadan will begin on Saturday 25th of April, 2020 in Nigeria. This is because sighting with the naked eyes on Thursday 23rd of April, 2020 is highly uncertain. Thus, Friday 24th of April, 2020 will be the 30th day of Sha‘ban, 1441AH based on the difficulty of sighting explained above ,” he added.
Quoting the Hadith which directs the commencement of fasting at the sight of the new crescent, Sheikh Habibullah Al-Ilory-led Robitoh said:
“However, based on astronomical findings, Ramadan will end on Saturday 23rd of May, 2020. This is because the conjunction that will terminate the month of Ramadan 1441 will occur on Friday 22nd of May, 2020 at 6:38pm leaving the age of the Moon at Sunset (6:57pm) at +00H 21 mins (i.e. sighting is not possible on the day).
“Hence, the sighting of the crescent is only possible on Saturday 23rd of May, and Sunday 24th of May, 2020 will be the official 1st day of Shawwal, 1441AH,” he emphasised.
By Abdul Waheed Shotonwa
You don’t even include if Allah want, but maybe your mind escape it, Insaha lahu. Instead of you to discuss how to get instrumental to sight moon from 28th night and 29th you are deicide day to start and to end (Allah A`alam)
He has started with his usual problem this year. May Allah guide him aright.
What’s the meaning of all this? Has this been discussed with the Sultan of Sokoto, the Amir-ul-mumineen?
As all these as ‘muscle flexing’ and should be discouraged in Islam.
Personally I am going to follow the directives of Sultan of Sokoto in this regard. Allahu a’alam.
This divisive tendency among Nigerian Muslims is uncalled for. All of us should put our heads together and speak with one voice. It is because of issues like this that we have leaders, whether elected or appointed. This act or going behind the Sultan to announce dates of Ramadan is self-serving. It smacks of someone or group seeking self recognition. Wallahu aalam!
Shairk habeeb Adam is not our sulton the federal government have gave the sulton of sokoto to be the amirul mumineen in this country so where shairk habeeb will be contradict what the federal government is saying I think is try to brake al umat l Islam in Nigeria wallahu alam
The man called Habibillah is just looking for cheap popularity. Let us wait and see what is going to happen next.
Cheap popularity as how after what God as done for him
He is just disturbing himself. Please who is he? what position is he in the religion of Islam? Someone that don’t understand the Sharee‘ah is also doing as if he knows something about it. O you Brethren! Please disregard this Man called Habeeb.
May ALLAAH continue to guide us and May He guide him to the right path. (Aameen). Because this is not his first time of saying rubbish. Please he needs our prayer.
You don’t no what you’re saying
Bunch of fools flocking together with their so called sheikh
Who is sulton Sokoto, he is just a traditional ruler like others king in southwest or south eadt. He is not Ameer or Mufty and Sheik Habib is one of the member of the moon sighting committee in Nigeria. Don’t forget that last year Ramadan Eid l fitir is not accurate as it was marked and celebrated.
It’s ok. Who is now number 1 Muslim if I may ask you. Is it your Sheik Habib. Aifagba fenikan ti koje ki Aye oroju
Alhamdulillaah Robbilhaalameen,I hope that is all of us duty’s to know about ,
Since what rabita is saying has basis let wait till then. But I knew rabita will be right at the end
As-salamualaykum.Please for Allah’s sake don’t mind Habeeb Abdullah Al-iloorin.He is such a stupid man.Allah (SW) said, when He and His Prophet put is words in a place and you started picking the own that is convenient for you. The Prophet said fast when you site the moon and break your fast when you site the moon. Who is those Alfas that you are mentioning in front of Allah(SW) that created everything.Habeeb you better be careful don’t turn your self into Phiraun that got perished and remember the day that you are doing to live this world and you will face the wrath of Allah.You are saying things that are against Allah and his prophet just think, don’t be please follow the words of Sultan of sokoto he is saying the right thing.
May Almighty Allah Guide, protect us and increase us in knowledge n wisdom, (ameen)
From my opinion, One of the problem we Muslim is facing is oneness (Isokan), sheik habeeb is not the one saying this his just a spoken person for the robitoh as the amiru of the society,(and the society is combine of Alfa’s and Islamic scholars in Nigeria) as u can see they have been studying the moon since n that is their assessment n that is y they announced that we should try n learn n try to help other not by criticism, May Allah subhana watahala Guide us to the ryt path.
Salaam alaikum! Muslim has no right to criticize another. This is an issue of islamic knowledge not an ordinary traditional ruling. So look forward to see who is on the right path.
Salaam alaikum! Muslim has no right to criticize another. This is an issue of islamic knowledge not an ordinary traditional ruling. So look forward to see who is on the right path.
You will soon know that SHAYKH HABIB AL-ILORY will be right, if Allah wills.
If Habeeb is just a member, then who HEAD the committee?,
Wallahi, if you don’t know about astronomy just be quiet. Robitoh have been doing their calculations and this is the result of their findings. Sheikh habeebullah is just their spokesman. And going by their calculation, it is very correct on Saturday as the first day of 2020 Ramadan. Allah a’alam.
WWhat has God done for him to warrant thwarting others effots of unification of Islamic Umah in Nigeria?