In 1992, Samuel P Huttington, while delivering a lecture titled “The Clash of Civilization” at the American Enterprise Institute in the United State of America hypothetically stated that post-cold war conflicts will largely be caused by the fight for supremacy of cultural, ethno-religious and political ideologues.
The American political scientist argued that in the future, the primary cause of crises in the world would be a function of the definition and interpretation given to political, economic, religious and socio-cultural lexicons, and the tendency to want to impose one’s ideological beliefs on the other.
Today, it appears as though Huttington was right in his forecast. Although, there are many pro-west theorists and writers who have argued that Human Rights, Liberal Democracy and the capitalist free-market economy are the only remaining ideological alternatives for nations in both developed and developing countries.
These pro-west writers are already convinced that there are no other ideologies in the world. Today, we are faced with an avalanche of issues, ranging from social, religious, cultural, political and economic for which there is no one-fit-all solution.
In fact, the clash of civilization has even commenced before Huttington delivered his paper.
In the world today, there are basically three (3) types of ideologies competing for domination. They are the Muslims’ Shariah, the Communist Manifesto and Liberal Democracy championed by America and Europe.
Islam is a way of life that is founded on sound moral principles, a comprehensive religious and judicial system, a political and economic system as well as a well -balanced social system. It presents a robust and an all-inclusive model for an egalitarian society via time-tested systems. It must be noted that the model prescribed by Islam is diametrically opposed to what the West represents.
The Church and the Communists do not pose any serious threat to the West. The only ideology that they cannot conquer is Islam.
In an attempt to dominate and impose their ideas on the rest of the world, the West has adopted different tactics to try and subdue those they see as their enemies. The following are some of the measures adopted by the West in an attempt to intimidate the rest of the world.
One area where the conflict of ideologies is very pronounced is in the area of religion and the concept of secularism. Politically speaking, one can without many technicalities define secularism as the “separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state, from religious institutions and dignitaries”. But as a philosophical concept, secularism could be “interpreted as the interpretation of life purely from our material world, without recourse to religion”.
Secularism is the religion of the West. Whereas secularism separates the state from religion, Islam reconciles the state with religion. Islam teaches that we belong to Allah and to Him is our return. That mankind and other creatures, both seen and unseen are the creations of Allah primarily for His worship. Also, while secularism separates religion from politics, Islam unites the secular, the material and the spiritual into one codified framework known as the Shariah.
Secularism, which is the religion of the West, allows without restriction many a thing that Islam considers as profanities. Secularism condones Gay marriage with over 33 countries legalizing it and counting, it allows individuals to take their own lives in what it technically refers to as Euthanasia. It has given Western governments the platform to legalize the consumption of hard drug such as cannabis and marijuana, with over 27 countries in the European Union (EU) and the United States legalizing it. This is the real clash of civilization, the battle for the soul of man, between the axis of good and that of evil.
Another strategy that is often adopted by the West against rival ideologies and geo-political entities is the use of sanctions. Any system or country that operates any economic system, political ideology and religion other than that of the West is an Enemy of the West. The West is working assiduously and spending huge sums of money to propagate and spread their religion (secularism), its economic system which survives on interest (lasses faire capitalism) and their political ideology is liberal democracy.
On the other hand, Islam operates an economic system that’s in my view is a unique one that is devoid of interest. This model contemplated by Islam, already places Islam in the line of fire.
Today, there is an orchestrated campaign against Islam, well-oiled and funded by Western interest because they see Islam as the only threat that provides a credible alternative to their theory of global domination. This explains the harassment meted out to those practicing Islam.
China, Cuba, Russia and Iran are some of the worst hit in terms of countries that have suffered the worst sanctions in recent history. The reason is not unconnected with the fact that they dare to operate a different system other than that prescribed by the West. For the West, it is either you are with them or against them.
Today, history is replete with not too pleasant experiences of meddlesomeness by America and her allies in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, especially those nations that do not share in their cultural, social, political and economic values.
All the political turmoil in the Middle-East and the concomitant savagery and catastrophic aftermath in countries like Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, is carefully planned and executed under the regime change foreign policy. The champions of this demonic foreign policy instrument have over the years used overt and covert means to overthrow legitimate and sovereign governments all over the world. Now, even if a country is operating a full-fledged democracy, as long as it is not liberal in its appeal and application, then it is a pseudo-democracy.
On March 8, 1965, 3,500 United States Marines landed in Southern Vietnam, at Da Nang to be precise. Their mission was to assist a renegade group that has gone rogue and now fighting the Communist Government at the time, with the agenda of changing the regime and enthroning liberal democracy in Vietnam. Washington was afraid that if the war did not favour the rogue agents, Communism could spread to neigbhouring countries like Laos and Cambodia. At the end of the day, 58,318 American soldiers died in Vietnam.
If Islam were to be a geo-political entity, America and her allies would have evaded it and bombarded it (with the latest bombs in their arsenal) back to the Stone Age.
In recent times, the clash of civilization has shifted to the media. Islam is under siege by the Western media and her allies. The fundamental pillars and teachings of Islam have been deliberately misinterpreted and statements of Allah as contained in the Qur’an and those of our revered Prophet have been taken out of context, all in an attempt to destroy what they cannot handle.
Today, there are countless literatures in circulation, authored by agents of the West, wherein Muslims have been accused of using force to convert people to Islam. The stories of Muslim warriors conquering kingdoms for Islam, is an ahistorical version of the real events. I have no doubt that these falsehood will soon be wiped out by the corrosive sinews of truth.
In the not too distant future, the government of nations will be run by mega corporations. This will be the precursor of the attainment of the New World Order.
As Muslims, we must be eternally vigilant to the shenanigans of the agents of the New World Order, especially as they beam these images and information to our living rooms via the internet and satellites.
As we continue to advance and propagate our religious, socio-political and economic models to the world, we must constantly remind ourselves that as a people who have attained the lofty height of being addressed by Infinite Intelligence as “the best of people evolved for mankind”, that we must come to the dinner table of civilization as royal diners and not as food on the menu to be eaten.