It is not ideal to go to Jumu’ah service only to meet the Imam on the first raka’ah.
Going to Jumuah very early is part of the Sunah (ways) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is one thing Muslims should enjoy doing because it is good for us.
Allah (SWT) encourages us to go to the mosque once we hear the adhan. He says : O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu’ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew. Qur’an 62: 9
There are five rewarding moments between the adhan (call to prayer) and the end of Jumu’ah service . Those who go to Jumu’ah early get the best of rewards.
In the Hadeeth of the Prophet (SAW) Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet said:
“Whoever makes ghusl on Jumu’ah like the ghusl one makes due to sexual defilement, and then goes to the mosque, it will be as if he had sacrificed a camel. If he goes during the second hour, it will be as if he had sacrificed a cow. If he goes during the third hour, it will be as if he had sacrificed a horned lamb. If he goes during the fourth hour ,it will be as if he had sacrificed a hen. And if he goes during the fifth hour, it will be as if he had sacrificed (something like) an egg. When the imam comes, the angels will be present to listen to the remembrance.”
This is related by the group, save Ibn Majah.
One of the notable scholars, Imam Malik explained that the hours mentioned in the hadeeth refers to the “portions of the hour before the sun passes its meridian and afterward”
Remember Allah says leaving trade for his remembrance is good for us if only we knew. So be conscious of your Lord and his promises.
Let’s get up and go to Jumu’ah as early as possible. May Allah accept our supplications.
Jazakumullahu khoiran for d reminder.