Video has surfaced online showing the Principal of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC), Dr. Awoseemo allegedly forcing female Muslim students to sign an undertaking to remove their Hijabs or get rusticated.
The ugly incident happened on Monday, November 29, at the Tutor/Students’ Congress held at the Nurses’ house OAUTHC, Ile-Ife.
Muslim News findings revealed that a similar case of molestation was also recorded at the same congress held at the Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesha branch, where female Muslim students were also ordered to stop using the Hijab or be expelled from the school.
In the 2 minutes, 50 seconds video, Dr. Awoseemo was heard telling female Muslim students in small hijabs that their dressing isn’t appropriate for the nursing profession, thereby mandating them to write an undertaking right before the entire students who graced the Congress.
The victims are Abolarinwa Balikis (200l); Sadeeq Balqees (200l) and Ismail Kaosarat (300 l).
The content of the undertaking, a copy of which was received by Muslim News, instructed that all students regardless of their religion, Muslims or Christians (Deeper Life), among others should dress in the proper school uniform. Clothing such as white dress, cap, non-knocking shoes, turban, veils, hijab, etc. will not be accepted and if students are found guilty, they would be withdrawn from the school.
“In conclusion, we abide by the rules and regulations of the management and according to nursing and midwifery circular on nursing students dressing until we get a further directive from the management,” the undertaking read, in part, and was signed by the three affected students, and 100 level student, Ogunnaine Grace, a Christian, as a witness. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE
Hijaab is our right