• Qatar, Turkiye, Hamas, Islamic scholars pay tributes, respect to ‘the great knight’
The death on Monday of renowned scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, has shaken the internet as Muslim leaders, scholars and international Islamic organisations expressed grief amid glowing tributes to a scholar who became popular for his moderate approach to contemporary issues as they affect Islam and global political system.
In their glowing tributes as monitored by Muslim News, they remembered Sheikh Qaradawi’s legacy, while praying to Allah to forgive and have mercy on him.
Qaradawi, the pioneer former president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, IUMS, died in Doha, Qatar, at the age of 96.
The president of IUMS, Sheikh Habib Salim Segaf Al-Jufri, issued a statement, on the official Twitter handle of the organisation, confirming the passing of Sheikh Qaradawi.
انتقل إلى رحمة الله سماحة الإمام يوسف القرضاوي الرئيس المؤسس للاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين الذي وهب حياته مبينا لأحكام الإسلام..
وقد فقدت الأمة الإسلامية عالماً محققا من علمائها المخلصين الأفاضل نسأل الله العلي القدير أن يغفر له ويرحمه رحمة واسعة ويعفو عنه. pic.twitter.com/vhQJEos9A4— iumsonline (@iumsonline) September 26, 2022
Also, on his Twitter account, the son of Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, the poet Abdul Rahman Yusuf, contented himself with saying, “The knight got off.”
ترجّل الفارس
— الشاعر عبدالرحمن يوسف (@arahmanyusuf) September 26, 2022
The late Egyptian scholar Azhar, holds Qatari citizenship, and is one of the most prominent scholars of Sharia in the Islamic world.
Turkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a phone call to Al-Qaradawi’s son, and offered him his condolences on the death of his father, according to the Turkish presidency’s Twitter account.
Erdogan stated that “the late Yusuf al-Qaradawi was the best example of a Muslim’s life, and he never compromised on what he believed in throughout his life.”
وسأل الرئيس أردوغان، الله تعالى الرحمة والمغفرة للشيخ يوسف القرضاوي، والصبر والسلوان لعائلته.
وذكر أن المرحوم يوسف القرضاوي كان خير مثال لحياة المسلم ولم يساوم أبدًا على ما كان يؤمن به طوال حياته، ودعا له قائلًا: "اللهم ارحمه رحمة واسعة وادخله فسيح جناتك".
— الرئاسة التركية (@tcbestepe_ar) September 26, 2022
In a press release, head of Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh said that the Palestinian people, the Arab nations, and the Islamic Ummah are deeply saddened by the death of Al-Qaradawi.
“He passed away after a life full of giving in all arenas”
Haniyeh explained that the prominent Muslim scholar has tremendously supported the Palestinian cause, Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, confirming that the entire world bears witness to Al Qaradawi’s contributions to the Muslim Ummah and the world.
“He has dedicated his life to serving the issues of the Ummah and defending the Palestinian cause, at the heart of which is Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa.”
رئيس فرع الإتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين في فلسطين د. مروان أبو راس لإذاعة صوت الأقصى: سنقيم خيمة عزاء للدكتور العلامة يوسف القرضاوي غدا الثلاثاء في ساحة الجندي المجهول بمدينة غزة الساعة 4 عصرًا. pic.twitter.com/3Nm38pOujy
— وائل أبو عمر 🇵🇸 (@WaelAboOmer) September 26, 2022
With the death of scholar Al-Qaradawi, the Islamic Ummah has lost one of its prominent figures and voices of freedom, the senior Hamas official added.
Haniyeh added: “We, in Hamas movement, are extremely saddened by the death of this prominent scholar, and we pray to Allah to shower his soul with mercy. Hamas also extends condolences to the family of the Sheikh, his students, and the entire Arab and Islamic world”
Lolwa Al-Khater, the assistant foreign minister of Qatar, called Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, saying: “We mourn to the Islamic nation the scholar, the revamped scholar Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. He who dedicated his life to serving the religion of God, and he did not fear the blame of the blamer in God.”
ننعي إلى الأمة الإسلامية العالم العلامة المجدد الدكتور يوسف القرضاوي. ذاك الذي نذر عمره لخدمة دين الله وما خشي في الله لومة لائم فاللهم اجزه عنا وعن الإسلام خيرا.
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واجعل أعلى الجنان مستقره ومثواه. خسرت الأمة أحد حصونها الحصينة ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. https://t.co/ckQl28qNAR
— لولوة الخاطر Lolwah Alkhater (@Lolwah_Alkhater) September 26, 2022
The writer Muhammad bin Al-Mukhtar Al-Shanqeeti, professor of international affairs at Qatar University, said that Sheikh Al-Qaradawi “moved to God’s mercy after a long and long life in the service of Islam, carrying the concerns of Muslims, and fighting the oppressors”, offering his condolences to his family and the entire Islamic nation.
انتقل إلى رحمة الله تعالى شيخنا العلامة يوسف #القرضاوي، بعد عمر طويل عريض في خدمة الإسلام، وحمل همّ المسلمين، ومجالدة الظالمين. اللهم تقبله في الصالحين، وارفع درجته في عليين. أعمق التعازي لأسرته الكريمة، وللأمة الإسلامية جمعاء. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون. pic.twitter.com/x6xrbGzles
— محمد المختار الشنقيطي (@mshinqiti) September 26, 2022
As for the Qatari writer, Jaber Al-Harami, he considered that with the departure of Al-Qaradawi the nation lost one of its most prominent scholars, known for his defense of the nation’s causes.
انتقل الى رحمة الله تعالى بالدوحة فضيلة الشيخ الداعية د. #يوسف_القرضاوي عن عمر ناهز 96 عاما .
برحيله فقدت الأمة أحد أبرز علمائها الكبار الذي عرف بدفاعه عن قضايا الأمة وخاصة قضية #فلسطين و #القدس و #المسجد_الأقصى ..
آخر منصب تولاه رئاسة الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين .. pic.twitter.com/AoEoZQwzaz— جابر الحرمي (@jaberalharmi) September 26, 2022
For his part, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Izzat Al-Rishq, asked God to reward Sheikh Al-Qaradawi for “our nation, our religion, our people, Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, the best that rewards working scholars.”
May God reward you
On the death of the scholar Sheikh Imam Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
We ask God to reward him on behalf of our nation, our religion, our people, Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, the best of what he rewards working scholars.
We ask God to bless him with his vast mercy, dwell in his vast gardens, and inspire his family, lovers, students, and our nation beautiful patience and solace
— Ezzat Mohammed Al-Rishq (@reshiq_i) September 26, 2022
The Palestinian political activist, Adham Abu Salmiya, said that the nation lost a great man, who was “a mujahid scholar, who stood for truth and rejected oppression, and supported the oppressed peoples, and for that he endured a lot of injustice and harm.”
Dhahi Khalfan, the former deputy chief of Dubai Police, had mercy on Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, and said, “I ask God for forgiveness and mercy.”
May God reward you
On the death of the scholar Sheikh Imam Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
We ask God to reward him on behalf of our nation, our religion, our people, Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, the best of what he rewards working scholars.
We ask God to bless him with his vast mercy, dwell in his vast gardens, and inspire his family, lovers, students, and our nation beautiful patience and solace
— Ezzat Mohammed Al-Rishq (@reshiq_i) September 26, 2022
A number of followers re-published videos of the late Sheikh, in which his positions in support of the nation’s issues and concerns emerged, most notably the issue of the Palestinian people, as he wished to be martyred on the threshold of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Sheikh Yusuf wished for martyrdom at the doorstep of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque..
May God have mercy on Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.#Yousif Al Qardawi pic.twitter.com/FZ6mMwwsuQ
— 𓂆 Ibraa 𓂆 (@ahmadibraa3) September 26, 2022
Al-Allama Al-Qaradawi was born in the village of Saft in the center of Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra in the Gharbia Governorate in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
In 2008, Al-Qaradawi was ranked third among 20 personalities in the list of the most influential thinkers in the world, in a survey conducted by the magazines “Foreign Policy” and “Prospect”.
When publishing the poll, Foreign Policy said that Sheikh Al-Qaradawi “through the Sharia and Life program broadcast by Al-Jazeera satellite channel, issues weekly fatwas that address all aspects of life.”
Al-Qaradawi has more than 170 authors, and has participated in many conferences, seminars and television programs during his scientific and advocacy career.
God bless Dr #Yousif Al Qardawi The respected, hardworking scholar, the discerning jurist, who enriched our minds with his interpretations and cheered our hearts with his sincere and young affection, and may God reward him on behalf of the Ummah with the best reward. pic.twitter.com/9Pr2xjI4Pc
— Zein El Abidine Tawfik (@zeintawfik) September 26, 2022