Mohammed Salah, famously known as MoSalah has again stirred an avalanche of comments from Muslim netizens after sharing an adorable photo online of him celebrating this year’s Christmas with his family.
The picture which has the caption: “Merry Christmas” with a Christmas tree emoji, was posted on Saturday, December 24, and within 1 hour had clocked up to 1 million likes.
One of the Muslim celebrities who was surprised that the Liverpool star forward still celebrates Christmas despite his Islamic awareness is Celalall, renowned Turkish actor who played the character of Abdul Rahman Ghazi, in the award-winning Turkish historic series, Dirilis Ertugrul and Kurulus Osman.
Celalall, via his verified Instagram handle, replied Mo Salah’s post, saying: “Muslim brother, we love you very much but we are surprised that you celebrate Christmas.”
Eyad Gameii, swiftly you responded, saying: This is not his (MoSalah) first time. So, we aren’t surprised!
Over the years, the Egyptian striker, who is always praised for exhibiting the best examples of his faith on the pitch, has been criticised by Muslim fans over his continuous celebration of Christmas.
“He did it in 2018, we admonished him but he didn’t listen. We did the same in 2019, even 2020, 2021, yet he ignored our calling for him to stop wishing them merry Christmas. Now, he is doing it again. I doubt it he’ll change it”, another netizen, Omar Nohan.
Although, some netizens also praised him for promoting tolerance through the yearly Christmas greetings.
In Islam, Muslims are forbidden from imitating the unbelievers and participating in their pagan-origin festivals.
كنا نظن انك قدوة وخير سفير لدينك لتؤثر بالآخرين ..
لم نتوقع منك أن تتأثر و أن تشاركتهم ( سب الله وشتمه ) ياصلاح ..
لاتكن كمن " يبيع دينه بعرض من الله قليل "
فتهنئهم لأجل الشهرة أو الرضا عنك أو المال !
"فمن أرضى الناس بسخط الله؛ سخط الله عليه وأسخط عليه الناس "
— د. ماجد جابر العنزي (@majedalenzi) December 24, 2022
Muslim News findings revealed that whoever imitates the unbelievers by celebrating their pagan-origin festivals is part of them.
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