As the world is hovering between life and death in battling the novel Coronavirus pandemic, the menace of ‘Infodemic’ in the name of journalism is deeply annihilating the vestigial traces of humanity in our consciousness.
One of those examples of the chronic media mental distortion can be traced to the consistent media assassination of true journalism by Sahara Reporters through its fake news and arid journalism. The recent of this is its deliberate misinformation to cast aspersions at the baronial personality of Dr. Isa Pantami, Nigeria’s Minister of Communication and Digital Economy. Dr. Isa Pantami has not only proven his professionalism and morality on the world stage, he has also consistently maintained a disciplined life that has become a virtual University of learning and motivation for many Nigerians. This article would not attempt to augment this as enough of his captivating profiles are everywhere.
The insalubrious, misleading and untrue story by SR alleging Dr. Pantami of ‘living large’ in Abuja and purchasing three houses for his three wives during the period of his Ministerial assignment has reflected the continuous juvenile and ‘HushPuppi’ journalism in the Nigeria of today.
Sahara Reporters has turned itself to the ‘Agamemnon’ of Nigerian virtual journalism, hiding behind the internet like a coward and parading itself as an unrepentant media bully with false information to dent the integrity of progressive Nigerians just like its replica in the Criminal Cyber World, the popular Hushpuppi, presently facing trial in America for his criminal acts on the internet. Both Sahara Reporters and Hushpuppi are the same in bringing dents to the illustrious personalities of progressive Nigerians. Many good and hard working Nigerians are facing demanding episodes on the international terrain due to the embarrassment HushPuppi has dragged our great country into.
Sahara Reporters on the other hand is replicating the ‘HushPuppi Journalism’ of dragging the pride and successful people of this country in the mud with their handicapped journalism that seeks no respect for peaceful privacy, professionalism, self earned success and tranquil personal convictions.
Although, many Nigerians including the spokesperson to the Minister have debunked the lies of SR, and there have been enough compelling responses to prove that the Honourable Minister has not purchased any property anywhere in the world in the period he has been in the office.
However, zooming into the story itself and the corresponding images would make one wonder in perplexing awe on how SR recruits its baby and lazy journalists who beg anonymous social media users online for events pictures instead of being on ground to get genuine stories.
The interior of the alleged apartment is clearly showing a tired chair and exhausted standing fan in a very tiny and cubical ambiance that is far below the standard of a typical Nigerian Minister. Even a local government chairman or a councilor of an obscured community would boast of better interior structure in the Nigeria of today. The picture is a perfect exoneration of Dr. Isa Ali Patami’s simple life, and it is also a crystal antithesis to the opulence and the signal of ‘living large’ that SR has attached to Dr. Ali Pantami.
Unfortunately, Nigerians would not be tempted by the ‘Trojan Horse’ of sweet lies by SR to obliterate the rising pedigree of Dr. Isa Pantami. Such sensitive story should be published on the premise of genuine, thorough and professional investigative journalism and not by merely wandering around an innocent ambience and taking an amateurish picture to make an allegation with no document or proof.
We all can discern that the present is tough economically and if SR wishes to get more traffic to get more dollars through its google AdSense in order to save its finances, there are better ways to make a living out of successful people without inimically spreading falsehood about their personalities.
Nigerians demand to see compelling proofs by SR to show Dr. Pantami owns the house. If he bought, where is the proof? Which contractor designed and built the apartment? Where is the agreement of purchase of property and ownership documents? , where is the invoice or receipt?
If such interior structure means ‘living large’ to SR, then we pray all Nigerian Ministers should ‘live large’ in the asceticism of Dr Pantami’s.
Dear Sahara Reporters, Nigerians have rejected your ‘Trojan Horse’ of lies. The ‘Integrity Troy Wall’ of Dr. Pantami is Unconquerable.
May Nigeria be blessed!
Yusuf Jimoh Aweda.
Director, Center For Human Rectitude.
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.