News Headline as reported by the Nigerian media: Designer, Toyin Lawani dons provocative nun outfit for movie premiere, sparks reactions
Christians reacted: Can she try this with the other major faiths, especially with Muslims and her head won’t be off already? Why didn’t she use Islamic regalia?
Lawani replied: Why are you shouting that I can’t dress like this in a Muslim way? I have and will do another badass one and make sure it’s extremely revealing…

Christians reacted again: Where is Muslim News? Have you condemned her? She is even a Muslim. What would have been your reaction if the reverse was the case?
Muslim News replied them: What has her being a Muslim got to do with her disgusting actions? Hasn’t she done the same in Islamic regalia? Must these Christian folks drag Islam and Muslims into their pathetic situations? Why are they obsessed with Islam and Muslims? Why are Muslims and Islam living rent-free in their heads? This hatred, enmity, and unhealthy rivalry are unbecoming.
The truth: Art or not art, it’s socially and morally wrong for anyone — most importantly, celebrities either in movies, music or fashion, to knowingly or unknowingly ridicule, or blaspheme the holy symbols (e.g nun habit, hijab, etc) of any religion, all in the name of entertainment. What Lawani has done isn’t art, but a mockery of the religious sensibilities of Christians, some of whom are her fans. It’s condemnable!

Evidently, nun habits, just like Hijab, are sacred, not fashion items as many ignoramuses erroneously perceive. The fact that some ignorants wear the Hijab or the nun attire to commit indecent acts is not a justification for an indecent celebrity to drag their sanctities in the mud, all in the name of art. Thank you!
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