In actual sense, eid al-Adha, which Muslims celebrate every year across the globe on the 10th day of Dhil Hijjah, reflects that all activities of Islam are problem-solving, practical by anyone in any period, place and humane in nature. In fact, no single act of Islam is devoid of teachings for the salvation, guidance and benefits of the Muslims either spiritually, socially, intellectually, economically, morally or politically. Among those activities is Eid al-Adha which is instrumental to all aspect of human endeavors.
By essence, the content of this religious festive manifests unity, fraternity, love, compassion, empathy, social empowerment, etc which are all cardinals of an ideal society. Also, it is a strong and ideal factor to enhance perfect society transformation and human development.
In this regard, that’s why observing Eid al-Adha, in congregation, is religious and social oriented in term of benefit. Observing such in a large number, it brings sense of togetherness, fosters unity and further enhances social love and ideal social interaction. By this, the Muslim society will be free from enmity, hatred, aggression, discord and any social reprehensible acts. Verily, it is very uncommon to witness people of different nations, localities, tribes to troop out in masses, under the tenet of Islam, in order to serve their Lord at once. Indeed, this is a practice only peculiar to Islam and it is second to none in the entire world.
Of sacrifice, animals that were slaughtered are meant for religious purpose, attract enormous rewards before Allah and also entail socio-economic benefits. As clearly stated by the Qur’an that “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you”, so the meat is meant for human consumption. As a religion that provided guidance, Islam outlined expected people to receive the meat. In the Glorious Qur’an, Allah says: “…then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful.”
By further interpretation, the meat is ordered to be shared with different caterogies of less privileged people in this society. This act, among many others in Islam, connotes that Islam is humane in nature. Also, it symbolises that the religion is practicable at all time, different locations and by different kinds of people. Thus, Islam gives preference and priority to humanity which was joined by the fold of being Muslims.
Among the practices embedded in eid festive is salutations. First of all, handshaking, apart from being a constant practice of Islam at all day, time, is very essential, paramount in eid days. Immediately after eid prayer, Muslims are enjoined to extend greetings to themselves, handshake and pray for one another. Through this, good social relation and love emerged in the community. During this period, also, Muslims are expected to do visitation to members of their families, reach out to friends and associates and spread unity and love within themselves. In fact, this practice has been studied and concluded to be a sustainable and practicable way of maintaining peace in the community. Indeed, blessed are the Muslims.
Like Eid al-Adha, all Islamic practices have great lessons, teachings and benefits for the Muslim Ummah who carry them out. It is pertinent here to clarify that the wisdom behind every religious act might be known to human being if Allah chooses to reveal such and it may be known to Allah alone, according to His wishes. Therefore, it is always advisable that Muslims should ask for Islamic guidance on any aspect of life they are threading. May Almighty Allah accept all our religious activities as an act of Ibadah. Ameen.