Famous Turkish poet and composer, Turgay Evren has announced plans to drop his most anticipated song in English, titled, “I am Kashmir”.
The song will be released on Thursday, February 4 ahead of the Kashmir Solidarity Day, slated for Friday, February 5.
Evren made the announcement on Wednesday via his Twitter handle @TurgayEvren1:
“Tomorrow we are going to launch our new English song on #Kashmir! I need your active support in all social media platforms for this song. Pls share it with all your friends and groups on WhatsApp, Telegram and BİP. Now let’s retweet this tweet! #KashmirSolidarityDay.”
Tomorrow we are going to launch our new English song on #Kashmir! I need your active support in all social media platforms for this song. Pls share it with all your friends and groups on whatsapp, telegram and BİP.
Now let’s retweet this tweet! #KashmirSolidarityDay
— Turgay Evren (@TurgayEvren1) February 3, 2021
Muslim News learnt that the new song which addresses the plight of Kashmiris in the Indian-administered Kashmir is being released barely a year after the gifted poet did a song, title, ‘Kashmir Is My Name’.
We also gathered that the song was composed and arranged by a talented musician, Ali Tolga Demistaş. Another artiste, Ekrem, who was raised in Switzerland also lent his voice to this beautiful song.
Speaking with Muslim News, Evren said he was inspired to reflect the pain of Kashmiri brothers and sisters through his lyrics.
“This was my duty as a human being and a brother from Turkey,” he added.
According to Evren, “As to the new song, when I learned about 5th February Kashmir Solidarity Day, I wanted to write a second English song as powerful as ‘Kashmir Is My Name’. Now I know so many things about Kashmir: pellet guns and young people having turned blind, half-widows who could not get any information about their husbands for decades, fake encounters claiming the lives of innocent people.
‘Kashmir Is My Name’
The famous Turkish writer recalled the great impact of his songs on millions of people across the world, with special reference to ‘Kashmir Is My Name’, which he released in June 2020.

According to him, “For instance, ‘Kashmir is my name’ made a global impact touching millions of hearts and let many people hear about the suffering of Kashmir occupied by India. I had written the lyrics and Della Miles, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s vocalist had sung this song project initiated by Aziz Babuşcu, Istanbul MP of the ruling AK Party.
“Indian government had removed the special status of Kashmir and imposed a curfew on Kashmiri people, sending more than 800 thousand soldiers. The global pandemic extended the lockdown Kashmiri people have suffered. In the meantime, things got worse in Kashmir for people in every aspect.
“After having released ‘Kashmir Is My Name’ in June 2020, I received hundreds of messages from Kashmiri people sending their thanks and prayers to me. I have learned more about the suffering of Kashmiri people living in IOKashmir. I heard so many sad stories they have experienced. Torture and humiliation had turned into a part of their daily life,” he said.
Other works
Evren told Muslim News that he collaborated with Kashmir Civitas in 2020 to produce two songs, titled Daimi Bahar (Eternal Spring) and
We Will Never Betray.
He said, “The Eternal Spring song which was rendered in Turkish, Urdu and Kashmiri was a tribute to honour 13 July Kashmir and 15 July Turkey martyrs. The other song ‘We Will Never Betray’ was in Arabic, Urdu and Kashmiri and it was dedicated to both the Palestinians and Kashmiris together.
5th Feb is celebrated as KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY. sharing Kashmir design logo 5th Feb for using and wider circulation. Lets decorate our personal digital platforms with this logo sucg as DPs for your FB and Twitter and other accounts.👇#KashmirSolidarityDay#Kashmirilivesmatter pic.twitter.com/bTVyJyb0W9
— Sumaira Khan (@sumrkhan1) February 2, 2021
“Both songs have reached hundreds of thousands of people across the world. I was happy that all three songs we have produced on Kashmir were shared and appreciated by Dr. Arif Alvi, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,” he added.
He also hinted that Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a fan of his works, calling on all the supporters of Kashmir across the world to share the song when it’s released on Thursday.
“I hope this song will also touch millions of hearts globally and add (another) voice to the voices of the oppressed Kashmir. We will release this song on 4th February and we ask all the supporters of Kashmir to share this great song via all the social media platforms and channels,” he added.