Two notable Islamic scholars, Hajj Guides and members of the Mission Board of the Hajj Mabrur Ventures Limited (HMVL) identified spiritual and knowledge-based guidelines as prerequisites for accepted and praiseworthy hajj.
In separate interviews with Muslim News on the sidelines of the Hajj Mabrur seminar for intending pilgrims for 2024 hajj at the University of Lagos Central Mosque Hall, Akoka, the two scholars, Ustadh Ibrahim Sheriffdeen and Imam AbdulAfeez Ariremako stressed that all pilgrims need the guidelines to perfect the rites of hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam
Ustadh Ibrahim said “It is very essential to be guided because hajj is a comprehensive act of worship that has to do with different locations where pilgrims will visit. Each of these locations has its prescribed rites that must be performed appropriately. More importantly, these rites need to be learnt because many of those who go on hajj aren’t well equipped about these rites.
“Based on the practice of Hajj Mabrur, we do engage them in teaching and learning over the years before going on hajj and during hajj, we keep guiding them.”
Ustadh Ibrahim, who is the Naibul Amir, Da’wah Affairs of The Muslim Congress, said, “If an individual performs all the rites without being in company of a knowledgeable guide, there is a high tendency that such hujaj (pilgrim) will forget some lines of actions and chants to be done or recited at different spots. And this may render the hajj incomplete for the person.

“When you get to such locations, you need to be guided because we have a lot of people doing what you are doing at the same time and there are situations whereby you forget what to say or what to do at that spot but when you have people around as guides and you have a team that will always pronounce, guide or teach in those spots, such arrangement makes the effort seamless and it gives you reassurance that what you are doing is the intended, intentional and a prescribed act of worship. And because human beings are subject to errors, having on ground a capable team which will guide you basically makes it seamless, particularly, when you are not the knowledgeable type.”
Advice for scholars and pilgrims
The Hajj Mabrur Guide for both Nigeria and Saudi Arabia said it has become pertinent for scholars to adequately guide their pilgrims in the holy land.
He said, “My advice for scholars who take people for hajj is, they need to understand that hajj is a religious practice and they need to prioritise sincerity to Allah regarding it. They should not see hajj operations as an avenue to get rich quick. Their focus should be to satisfy Allah in line with the dictates of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Allah also stressed that the best of preparation is the piety of Allah. This piety is for both the pilgrims and the guides. Unfortunately, many scholars (guides) do put benefits of this world before them, just as they drag the pilgrims towards this avarice. For instance, you will see some, when they are supposed to engage themselves in hajj rites like tawaf, they will prefer to gather the pilgrims at a corner and be doing irrelevant things unrelated to the rites of hajj or umrah. So, my advice to everyone is to fear Allah.”
Ustadh Ibrahim sent a note of caution to intending pilgrims to the holy land to always be mindful of agents they patronise for their hajj, saying some do not have the prerequisites knowledge on proper guide of the pilgrims.
He said; “For the pilgrims, they need to ensure that they make the right choices in terms of agents and scholars they pick as guides even when you get to hajj. They should also know what to do when the agent they engage is not doing the right thing.”
It’s essential to guide pilgrims
Also speaking, Imam Ariremako, the Director of Al-Quroo Schools, Ibadan emphasised the importance of guides to pilgrims, saying, “For many of them, it is their first experience and they need the right guidance and direction.”

“This is the first time most of them are going for hajj, so they need guides, apart from listening to sermons and attending seminars.They also need someone who will practically demonstrate what they need to do and lead them, while they follow. There are some supplications the pilgrims need to utter, and most of the pilgrims need someone that will lead and guide them on the significance of each point.
Important rites of Hajj or Umrah agents don’t take serious
Imam Ariremako said one of the rites of hajj/umrah often overlooked by many guides is the issue of Miqat – the boundary where intending pilgrims should not go beyond or cross except in the state of Ihram (hajj clothing).
“The issue of Miqat is one of the pillars of hajj or umrah that many agents often ignore or do not do properly. Miqat is the starting point of hajj/umrah rites. Ihram clothes must be worn and niyyah (intention) must be pronounced at that particular place. It needs to be stressed because some pilgrims pass through this spot without making intention, and putting on ihram.
“Another important thing to note is during the Tawaf (circumambulating the Kaaba), there are supplications that are expected to be uttered (pronounced) during this rite but many agents leave their pilgrims to their fate. They are not guided on what to do and what not to do. You see their pilgrims doing what people from other countries are doing because they’re not rightly guided.
“In hajj, someone can easily be misguided because we see some ignorant people coming to hajj from around the globe, whether they are Arabs or not, they are going to mislead, except if you know what you are doing to do and that is the essence of the guides. That someone is an Arab doesn’t make him an informed Muslim or a proper guide about hajj rites.
‘Be guided, do not follow what others are doing’
“At Hajj Mabrur, we are telling them to be guided and not follow what others are doing. If you have been told that this is what you need to do, don’t because you see somebody else doing something else and you follow suit, so be guided. We are also on the ground not only to tell them but to show them what to do, what to say and where to say it,” he added.